Mr. Narayana Murthy is an Ayurveda practitioner living in a village called Narasipura in the Shimoga district of Karnataka, India. Vaidya Narayana Murthy and his family members have been treating for decades, with herbal medicines, the so-called incurable medical conditions – cancers, diabetes, heart diseases, kidney diseases, etc. Vaidya Narayana Murthy is famous, particularly for his cancer treatments. The doctor dispenses medicines on Thursdays and Sundays. People gather in queues to receive his cancer medicines, which he starts dispensing early in the morning. Roughly about a thousand people receive their medicine every Thursday and Sunday. There are few NGOs that help Vaidya Narayana Murthy in his noble effort.
Mr.Narayana Murthy’s medicines are primarily from plant/herbal sources. His cancer medicine is prepared by powdering barks, stems, and leaves from certain plants and trees. The patients need not come in person to receive the medicine. Friends and family members can bring the lab reports/information on the patient’s condition and collect the medicines. The doctor usually dispenses medicine sufficient enough for a month and asks the patients/representatives to visit again after a month’s time. The doctor has been treating cancer for a few decades now and his treatments have helped a lot of cancer patients. In general, people are very positive about his treatments. One can hear many stories of improved health and cancer cures from thousands of people who gather to receive medicine at his doorstep.
The nearest railway station is Anandapura (Station code – ANF). Shimoga can be reached by road as well as by train. Bangalore and Mysore are the nearest airports. The doctor doesn’t provide any appointments. And the patients are served in a first-come-first-served basis.
New Address (Narayana Murthy son Raghavendra)
N. S. Narayana Murthy
2km from Ananthpura, Sagara
Shimoga District,
Karnataka, India
Detailed information how to get Raghavendra Narayana.