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German total recovery after taking Murthy medecine.

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Drago Knezevic, the doctors have diagnosed a Non Hodgkin cancer, 2 stage, 18 * 16 * 6 cm tall on the left side between the rib and the lungs.

After taking medicine 3 times a day after eating.

July I he had the CT.

Then the doctors said the tumor was gone, only a little bit was still there.

Hair grow again!


Full text:

Hello Drago, we're talking a little bit about your illness today, maybe you can tell us a little bit about yourself. What's your name? What has happened in the last few years? How did this illness come about, etc.?

Yes, my name is Drago Knezevic, the doctors have diagnosed a Non Hodgkin cancer, 2 stage, 18 * 16 * 6 cm tall on the left side between the rib and the lungs.

It had attacked 3 ribs.

Then ended up in the hospital and then it started with chemotherapy.

Did you get the medicine from Mr. Murthy during chemotherapy?

Yes thats right. Then after the first chemo I took the medicine. 3 times a day after eating. And then I immediately noticed on the left it felt like candlesticks.

Every time I drank the tea I felt better. It felt like a comfort.

Honest? Even from the feeling?

Yes from feeling!

So that's incredible for me. And when did you take the next picture?

And then I had a total of 4 chemotherapies and continued taking Murthy's medicine in July I had the CT

Then the doctors said the tumor was gone, only a little bit was still there.

Then I still had a little of the medicine and kept taking it.

Now everything is gone, I can go on vacation.

Are you healed?

Yes, the doctors say so

That's true for me

Were the doctors surprised that it went so quickly?

Very!! They then also asked whether I had any complaints with my skin, tongue or throat?

The doctors said it was a miracle

Has there been hair loss etc.?

A bit, but now everything is growing again

Do you only have positive experiences?


We wanted to do the interview with you because we know you as a very honest and correct person, you can certainly help many people with it.

Many Thanks!

Thank you very much, it really helped me, say greetings to the Lord

I'm very grateful!


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